Zimbabwe Mission Trip: June 11 - July 3, 2001
The following pages contain numerous thumbnails of photos and thus may take a little
time to load, so please be patient. The photos are arranged in
chronological order.
Trip Photos (Chicago Orientation)
- (32 pictures)
Trip Photos (London Detour)
- (62 pictures)
Trip Photos (Zimbabwe Mission - 1)
- (78 pictures)
Trip Photos (Zimbabwe Mission - 2)
- (72 pictures)
Pre-trip Preparation Photos (Boot Camp)
- (13 pictures)
Many thanks to...
 | ...Jessica for providing the photos that are marked with a '1' on the following pages. |
 | ...Josh for providing the photos that are marked with a '3' on the following pages. |
Our team while preparing in Chicago

Last Updated: September 28, 2001